I woke at 7 this morning. That's good for me and I'm glad no one woke me up earlier like they do during the middle of the week. I was tired last night. I'd played with my dog friend Becky, walked with both my moms once in the morning and once in the evening, and then played with Akina and Sakura, the girls who have more energy than me.
So sleeping in was exactly what I needed. Ten hours on my bed, flat on my back, legs stretched limply over my head. Then mom got up and made coffee, which requires my astute supervision. Then a long walk and I mean a long, long walk. Two hours of walk, through the tunnel, over the hill, down the hill, past the lake, then back up the hill and back down it again. And in between it all, a mangled tennis ball hiding in the bushes that required chasing while mom threw it in the wet, grassy field where Toby and Riley came to play (new dog friends).
I got tired, but then we had to go to Lowe's for fence caps for our new fence and big, fat boards to border the fence where the gravel will go.
Then a nap, or an attempt at one, but the neighbors drove by and parked their loud, thumpy car at the end of the block and no one could sleep so we got up and worked in the yard. Actually, we worked in the neighbor's yard. Now that she's moved out, her son offered us his rhubarb plants, the plants my mom has coveted for years.
I didn't get to go, though, which made me whine at the sliding glass door. Then we went for another walk because frankly, it was so beautiful today the trees ached with orange and the squirrels needed chasing. We went back up the hill to Salal's house (yet another dog-friend) whose mom is out of town. We leashed up Salal and walked along the ridgetop and looked at the lake and Bellevue and the Cascades to the east and the Olympics to the west, which made me think of you.
We're coming to visit you know, in another couple of weeks.
I'll try to get some rest before then because right now I'm bushed and can hardly wait until we go to bed.
Can I sit in your lap again? I'm a bit bigger these days, but I think we can swing it if you sit on the couch and I'm allowed to sort of rest on you while also resting on the couch. Probably not acceptable in my puppy training, but still, you're my grandpaw and spoiling me is exactly what you're supposed to do (don't tell my moms that I wrote that last sentence!).
Anyway, I'll try to be on my best puppy behavior that weekend, though my moms say I'm barking too much these days. I am, but there's just so much happening outside the door and I am always on the alert for squirrels and intruders, but mostly I'm on alert for the neighbor's cats who NEVER go home. They like to hide under our car or sit on the new fence and stare at me. Torture, I tell you, simply torture.
I have no impulse control. That's what the dog trainer says. But I'm only 7 and a half months old! Who in their right mind has impulse control at such a young age?
Anyway, when I sit with you on the couch, you'll have to look at the pads on my paws. They're really adult-like. Big dog kind of paws. I even impress myself, so I imagine you'll be really impressed.
Oh, and can you make sure you have a cookie in your pocket? That's my favorite thing about coming to your house...next to sitting in your lap.
I'll make sure I have a bath before I come and a comb out so you can see how soft my coat is even though it's changing and some of that curly hair is now straight, stiff red hair.
So, I'll sleep well tonight, don't you think? My moms moved the bedroom around though so I'm a bit worried I'll get up in the morning and not really know where I am. Hope they don't step on me on their way to the bathroom.
And why do they pee in the house anyway? Disgusting!
Okay, I must go to bed because frankly, this has been a busy, busy day.
Love you,