Sunday, September 16, 2007

Life Saving

Can a dog save your life? I suppose he or she can. In fact, a dog has saved my life more than once.

Abbie was the first dog who literally kept me from driving off a bridge when I was the most depressed. She was in the back of my truck and her presence kept me driving home versus ending it all right there. In my darkest hours, she still loved me and it was that love that eventually taught me how to love myself.

This is a picture of Abbie at 13 years of age. She died on her 14th birthday and even in her death she taught me about love.

Next came Chester who opened his home and his heart to let me in. He was Ann's dog, but in no time, he let me call him my dog and my only regret was that I never knew him for his entire 14 years of life.

This is a picture of Chester on his 11th birthday halfway through an eleven-mile hike. He, too died at 14 and his death, while painful because of his seizures and brain tumor, was another reminder of the gift that animals are in our lives.

And now there is Rubin...

...and this picture tipifies his goofy and necessary presence in my life.

Can dogs save your life? Yes, but even more than saving it, they make it worth living.


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