Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday at the Park

And here I thought it was going to be a typical lazy Sunday.

Boy, was I wrong.

We went to Disneyland!

Well, that's what I call a trip to Marymoor Park's off-leash dog park. It's big, it's fun, it's got lots of activities to do, and it's very popular, but there's no standing in line at this park. Nope, I get to just run around with all the other dogs, play fetch every time the ball is thrown, and best of all, go for a swim in the river. Man, oh man is that killer fun!

Of course, when it was all over, I was one messy puppy. My moms didn't take pictures of all the fun I had, but they did get me in the back of the car smiling and dirty.
Little did I know that I'd be coming home to a bath, but getting to play in all the dirt and mud and cold river water made it all worth it.

Everyone expected me to fall asleep after that, but I just stared at Momma Ann while she tried to work, barking at the people stopping at the house for sale across the street, and then racing out in the backyard to play with my toy. Momma Gretchen had errands to do so she missed my energetic bursts, still, when she got home, I was still not asleep.

Good thing, because Colleen and Monty came by, then Jessica with Quillette and their guest, Teabiscuit! We all headed over to the little field where we played more fetch (and I got a little dirty) when even more dogs showed up -- Lizzie and Desi and Blackie.

Still, when we got back to the house, was I tired? Not on your life! Momma Gretchen had to play with me. She's been trying to teach me to play dead and I pretty much have it though she doesn't say "play dead." She says something about halitosis, whatever that is, and then breathes on me. That makes me bark, which apparently isn't something she wants me to do. Eventually, I flop down and play dead, but I don't get why she just doesn't ask me to play dead and stop all that blowing in my face.

But I'm getting kind of sleepy. I guess I've had a pretty big day what with a trip to Disneyland, no naps, and a wonderful outing with my good friends. Maybe that's why I feel the need to lay right now!

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