Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Quillette is staying with us for a few days. Yesterday, we went for a walk to Volunteer Park where we posed for photos of Seattle icons. The picture above was taken at a small park outside the big park and it's impossible to see, but in the distance the mountains have snow on them. While we both look bored, I'm a thrilled the snow is finally falling. I can hardly wait until we head to the hills for fluffy romps in the cold crystals.
Next, we posed by the "donut" in Volunteer Park. Quillette is staring at a small dog walking across the street from us. She isn't the friendlist to strange dogs, but she obeys well and "stayed" when asked. I, on the other hand, am smirking with impatience. How many photos do they need of me?
Now, here's the kind of photo I love. I got to play with Oshi and Perdito (in the foreground) yesterday. Perdito likes to pretend he's going to get the ball from me and I like to pretend I'm going to let him have it. But he doesn't and I don't. Oshi occasionally chases after us, but never with much vim or vigor.

We're about to head out today to pick up Ollie. Quillette doesn't get to go because she doesn't play well with others. She's older, too, and needs more rest.

I don't. So, let's go!

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