Monday, December 29, 2008

My New Love

No...this is not my new love. This is Hope and while I like her well enough, she can be a bit testy if you get too close. While she looks peaceful enough, she can bare some nasty looking teeth if she feels you encroaching on her space. Don't let that bow fool you.
And while I love Aunt Patti, she is not my new love. Patti is worth some wild wiggles when I first see her, but it's more of a familial thing, not a hum-a-hum-a kind of thing.
And no, my Grandmother, while an amazing bowler, is not my new love either. Yeah, like Patti I love her because she gives me big stockings at Christmas filled with goodies and she occasionally drops delicious morsels when she's cooking, but she's not my new love.

No, my new love is young and sweet and blond -- just like me. She's fast on her feet, kind to strangers, and quick with her strong tail. She knows how to play fetch and she's always up for a game of chase.

Lola is my new love and I can hardly wait until I see her again...
Of course, my moms tell me she'll be bigger than me the next time we get to play together, but that's okay because I like big girls as much as I like puppies like Lola.

It was a good Christmas -- stockings, snow, and a new friend!

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