Monday, January 5, 2009

Snow Again...

It was icky snow this time. Wet and slushy and as it warmed up, it was like walking in a river. I didn't mind it, though. Hey, I'm a dog -- part Lab and part Poodle, both sides of love the water. My friend, Ollie, same mix as me, loved it too so when we made our way to the tennis courts to play in the river of slush, we were quite happy to run into Jimmy, a big old Boxer from Texas. We said hello and then stole his orange frisbee. There's nothing like someone else's toy to make me a happy pup!

Oh, and a game of tug-o-war! (That's Jimmy in the background...he doesn't look at big as he actually is...)

This is Jimmy up close and see, he's a big boy...oh, and because I stole his frisbee, he's got my ball lock jawed in his mouth.
And this, well, this is Gemma. I have yet to meet her, but mom tells me she's a pistol. She's just 3 months old and she likes the snow, but not as much as I do. I understand. It's the first snow she's really seen and played in. She needs me to show her how to play in it, which I get to do tomorrow! Of course, they'll be no snow as it all melted today. I have other tricks up my sleeve that I can share with her!
And this is Gemma at her home where she dried off and chewed on her stuffed tug toy. I can hardly wait to meet her. From her pictures, she looks mighty cute!

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